German school reviews new ventilation devices

"Extremely quiet, reliable and good air quality"
Six classrooms at the Georg von Langen School in Holzminden were equipped with decentralised VRL-C ventilation units from the local manufacturer Stiebel Eltron during the 2021 summer holidays.

Headmaster Andreas Hölzchen drew a first conclusion: "The devices are extremely quiet, reliable and ensure good air quality - so far, our experience has been absolutely positive!"

Peter Koß, ventilation expert at the Stiebel Eltron Group: "A high CO2 concentration, which leads to tiredness and headaches, can only be reduced by supplying fresh air. That is why the CO2 concentration is the reference variable for the strength of the ventilation. "With the COVID pandemic, another advantage of ventilation was made apparent: "Not only does the CO2 concentration decrease, but aerosols can be discharged outside. With low aerosol concentration, the risk of infection is reduced."

Little installation effort
The VRL-C series is especially suitable for retrofitting rooms. "The devices are installed under the ceiling to save space. We have exchanged a skylight pane for a panel with appropriate cut-outs for the exhaust and outside air," confirms Peter Koß. Thanks to the integrated heat recovery of the ventilation devices, no adjustment of the heating is necessary: ​​"The rooms are still pleasantly warm as usual."

The feedback from students and teachers has been extremely positive so far, according to Headmaster Hölzchen: "One of the concerns was that the noise from the ventilation would interfere. That turned out to be completely unfounded: The operation of the devices is hardly noticed, there are more questions about if the device is actually in operation."

Mark Becker from the installation company Gebrüder Becker supports this statement:" We have now installed numerous devices in various schools. There are hardly any complaints about annoying noises."

Ventilation for schools

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